
SYN: notch. [L. incisura]
- angular i. [TA] a sharp angular depression in the lesser curvature of the stomach at the junction of the body with the pyloric canal. SYN: incisura angularis [TA], angular notch, sulcus angularis.
- Lanterman incisures SYN: Schmidt-Lanterman incisures.
- Rivinus i. SYN: tympanic notch.
- Santorini incisures SYN: notch in cartilage of acoustic meatus.
- Schmidt-Lanterman incisures funnel-shaped interruptions in the regular structure of the myelin sheath of nerve fibers, formerly interpreted as actual breaks in the sheath but shown by electron microscopy to correspond each to a strand of cytoplasm locally separating the two otherwise fused oligodendroglial (or, in peripheral nerves, Schwann cell) membranes composing the myelin sheath. SYN: Lanterman incisures, Schmidt-Lanterman clefts.
- tympanic i. SYN: tympanic notch.

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in·ci·sure in-'sī-zhər n INCISURA (1)

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(in anatomy) a notch, small hollow, or depression.

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in·ci·sure (in-siґzhər) notch.

Medical dictionary. 2011.