
1. Any foreign or heterogeneous substance contained in a cell or in any tissue or organ, not introduced as a result of trauma. 2. The process by which a foreign or heterogeneous structure is misplaced in another tissue. [L. inclusio, a shutting in, fr. includo, pp. -clusis, to close in]
- cell inclusions 1. the residual elements of the cytoplasm that are metabolic products of the cell, e.g., pigment granules or crystals; 2. storage materials such as glycogen or fat; 3. engulfed material such as carbon or other foreign substances. SEE ALSO: i. bodies, under body.
- Döhle inclusions SYN: Döhle bodies, under body.
- fetal i. unequal conjoined twins in which the incompletely developed parasite is wholly enclosed in the autosite.
- leukocyte inclusions SYN: Döhle bodies, under body.

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in·clu·sion in-'klü-zhən n something that is included esp a passive usu. temporary product of cell activity (as a starch grain) within the cytoplasm or nucleus

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in·clu·sion (in-klooґzhən) [L. inclusio] 1. the act of enclosing or condition of being enclosed. 2. anything that is enclosed; often used alone to refer to cell inclusions.

Medical dictionary. 2011.