
1. A disease capable of being transmitted from person to person, with or without actual contact. 2. SYN: infective. 3. Denoting a disease due to the action of a microorganism.

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in·fec·tious in-'fek-shəs adj
1) capable of causing infection <a carrier remains \infectious without exhibiting signs of disease> <viruses and other \infectious agents>
2) communicable by invasion of the body of a susceptible organism <all contagious diseases are also \infectious, but it does not follow that all \infectious diseases are contagious (W. A. Hagan)> compare CONTAGIOUS (1)
in·fec·tious·ly adv
in·fec·tious·ness n

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in·fec·tious (in-fekґshəs) 1. caused by or capable of being communicated by infection, as an infectious disease. Cf. communicable and contagious. 2. infective (def. 1).

Medical dictionary. 2011.