
The supply of nerve fibers functionally connected with a part. [L. in, in, + nervus, nerve]
- reciprocal i. contraction in a muscle is accompanied by a loss of tone or by relaxation in the antagonistic muscle. SYN: reciprocal inhibition (1).

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in·ner·va·tion .in-(.)ər-'vā-shən, in-.ər- n
1) the process of innervating or the state of being innervated esp the nervous excitation necessary for the maintenance of the life and functions of the various organs
2) the distribution of nerves to or in a part
in·ner·va·tion·al -shnəl, -shən-əl adj

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the nerve supply to an area or organ of the body, which can carry either motor impulses to the structure or sensory impulses away from it towards the brain.

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in·ner·va·tion (in″ər-vaґshən) [in-1 + nervus] the distribution or supply of nerves to a part. the supply of nervous energy or of nerve stimulus sent to a part.

Medical dictionary. 2011.