
1. Between two extremes; interposed; intervening. 2. A substance formed in the course of chemical reactions that then proceeds to participate in further reactions; such substances, when appearing in the course of the reactions involved in metabolism, are metabolic intermediates. 3. In dentistry, a cement base. 4. An element or organ between right and left (or lateral and medial) structures. SYN: intermedius [TA].
- replicative i. during the copying of the viral RNA of an RNA virus, the opposite sense strand that serves as a template for positive strand production.

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in·ter·me·di·ate .int-ər-'mēd-ē-ət adj being or occurring at the middle place, stage, or degree or between extremes <the remaining subjects progressed to some \intermediate stage of disease (R. R. Redfield )(et al)>
intermediate n one that is intermediate esp a chemical compound synthesized from simpler compounds and usu. intended to be used in later syntheses of more complex products <pharmaceutical \intermediates>

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in·ter·me·di·ate (in″tər-meґde-ət) [inter- + L. medius middle] 1. placed between; see medial and median. 2. resembling, in part, each of two extremes. 3. a substance formed in a chemical process that is essential to the formation of the end product of the process.

Medical dictionary. 2011.