
Innermost. See tunica i.. [L. fem. of intimus, inmost]
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Infusion of Tissue Plasminogen-Activator in Myocardial Infarction at the Acute Phase [study]

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in·ti·ma 'int-ə-mə n, pl -mae -.mē, -.mī or -mas the innermost coat of an organ (as a blood vessel) consisting usu. of an endothelial layer backed by connective tissue and elastic tissue called also tunica intima
in·ti·mal -məl adj

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(tunica intima)
1. the inner layer of the wall of an artery or vein. It is composed of a lining of endothelial cells and an elastic membrane.
2. the inner layer of various other organs or parts.

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in·ti·ma (inґtĭ-mə) [L. “innermost”] 1. innermost. 2. tunica intima vasorum.

Medical dictionary. 2011.