
1. SYN: poisoning (2). 2. SYN: acute alcoholism. [L. in, in, + G. toxikon, poison]
- acid i. poisoning by acid products (β-oxybutyric acid, diacetic acid, or acetone) formed as a result of faulty metabolism ( e.g., uncontrolled diabetes mellitus) or by acids introduced from without; marked by epigastric pain, headache, loss of appetite, constipation, restlessness, and an odor of acetone in the breath, followed by air hunger, coma, and collapse.
- anaphylactic i. i. following an anaphylactic reaction.
- citrate i. a toxic condition that may develop during massive replacement therapy with transfused blood that contains citrate as an anticoagulant; the citrate combines with calcium ions and may result in tetany.
- intestinal i. SYN: autointoxication.
- septic i. SYN: septicemia.
- water i. a metabolic encephalopathy resulting from severe overhydration.

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in·tox·i·ca·tion in-.täk-sə-'kā-shən n
1) an abnormal state that is essentially a poisoning <hypokalemia potentiates digoxin \intoxication (W. H. Abelmann )(et al)> <no evidence of cocaine \intoxication (Margaret M. McCarron )(et al)> <acute carbon monoxide \intoxication>
2) the condition of being drunk: INEBRIATION

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the symptoms of poisoning due to ingestion of any toxic material, including alcohol and heavy metals.

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in·tox·i·ca·tion (in-tok″sĭ-kaґshən) [L. in intensive + Gr. toxikon poison] 1. stimulation, excitement, or stupefaction produced by a chemical substance, or as if by one. 2. substance i., particularly that in which the substance is alcohol (see alcohol i.). 3. poisoning.

Medical dictionary. 2011.