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The form of strabismus in which the visual axes converge; may be paralytic or concomitant, monocular or alternating, accommodative or nonaccommodative. SYN: convergent squint, convergent strabismus, esodeviation (2), internal squint. [G. eso, inward, + trope, turn]
- basic e. SYN: nonaccommodative e..
- cyclic e. periodic convergent strabismus often occurring every 48 hours. SYN: alternate day strabismus.
- nonaccommodative e. that type of e. not influenced by correction of refractive error. SYN: basic e..
- nonrefractive accommodative e. that type of e. in which an abnormality of the accommodative-convergence mechanism is not eliminated by correction of refractive error.
- refractive accommodative e. that type of e. eliminated by correction of hypermetropic refractive error.
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es·o·trop·ic -'träp-ik adj
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convergent strabismus: a type of squint.
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eso·tro·pia (es″o-troґpe-ə) [eso- + tropia] strabismus in which there is manifest deviation of the visual axis of an eye toward that of the other eye, resulting in diplopia. Called also cross-eye and convergent or internal strabismus. esotropic adj
Medical dictionary. 2011.