Inflammation of both iris and ciliary body. SEE ALSO: iritis, uveitis. [irido- + G. kyklos, circle (ciliary body), + -itis, inflammation]
- i. septica SYN: Behçet syndrome.
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iri·do·cy·cli·tis -sī-'klīt-əs, -si- n inflammation of the iris and the ciliary body
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iri·do·cy·cli·tis (ir″ĭ-do-sə-kliґtis) [irido- + cyclitis] inflammation of the iris and of the ciliary body; see also anterior uveitis.
Iridocyclitis with an irregular pupil and posterior synechiae in a patient with pauciarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.
Medical dictionary. 2011.