
A small island.
- blood i. SYN: blood island.
- islets of Langerhans cellular masses varying from a few to hundreds of cells lying in the interstitial tissue of the pancreas; they are composed of different cell types that comprise the endocrine portion of the pancreas and are the source of insulin and glucagon. SYN: i. tissue, Langerhans islands, pancreatic islands, pancreatic islets.
- pancreatic islets SYN: islets of Langerhans.

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is·let 'ī-lət n a small isolated mass of one type of tissue within a different type specif ISLET OF LANGERHANS

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(in anatomy) a small group of cells that is structurally distinct from the cells surrounding it.

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is·let (iґlet) a cluster of cells or an isolated piece of tissue; see also island.

Medical dictionary. 2011.