
Conjoined twins having their two heads fused together, with the faces looking in opposite directions. See conjoined twins, under twin. SEE ALSO: craniopagus, syncephalus. [L. Janus, a Roman diety having two faces, + caput, head]
- j. asymmetrus a j. with one very small and imperfectly developed face. SYN: iniops, syncephalus asymmetros.
- j. parasiticus a j. in which one of the twins is a small and incompletely formed parasite attached to the more fully formed autosite.

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jani·ceps 'jan-ə-.seps, 'jān- n a teratological double fetus joined at the thorax and skull and having two equal faces looking in opposite directions

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jan·i·ceps (janґĭ-seps) [L. Janus a two-faced god + caput head] conjoined twins with one head and two opposite faces; called also duplicitas cruciata.

Medical dictionary. 2011.