
Bradykinin with a lysyl group attached to the amino terminus; this group can be removed by an aminopeptidase in the blood to yield bradykinin; a decapeptide vasodilator. SYN: bradykininogen, k. 10, k. II, lysyl-bradykinin.
- k. 9 SYN: bradykinin.
- k. 10 SYN: k..
- k. I SYN: bradykinin.
- k. II SYN: k..

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kal·li·din 'kal-əd-ən n either of two vasodilator kinins formed from blood plasma globulin by the action of kallikrein:
b) one that has the same amino acid sequence as bradykinin with a terminal lysine added

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a naturally occurring polypeptide consisting of ten amino acids. Kallidin is a powerful vasodilator and causes contraction of smooth muscle; it is formed in the blood under certain conditions. See kinin.

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kal·li·din (kalґĭ-din) lysyl-bradykinin, a decapeptide kinin produced by the action of tissue and glandular kallikreins on low-molecular-weight (LMW) kininogen and having physiologic effects similar to those of bradykinin. Formerly the term was applied to both nona- and decapeptides; bradykinin was called kallidin I or kallidin-9, and lysyl-bradykinin was called kallidin II or kallidin-10.

Medical dictionary. 2011.