
1. The tenth letter in the Greek alphabet. 2. In chemistry, denotes the position of a substituent located on the tenth atom from the carboxyl or other functional group. 3. A measure of the degree of nonrandom agreement between observers or measurements of the same categorical variable.
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a light chain of human immunoglobulins [chain]

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kap·pa 'kap-ə n a cytoplasmic factor in certain paramecia that mediates production of paramecin and thereby makes the medium in which such microorganisms are grown toxic to members of strains not possessing the factor see PARAMECIN

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kap·pa (kapґə) [K, κ] 1. the tenth letter of the Greek alphabet. 2. a statistic calculated to quantify the extent to which agreement between observers exceeds that expected on the basis of chance alone.

Medical dictionary. 2011.