
A substance with the carbonyl group linking two carbon atoms; the most important in medicine and the simplest k. is dimethyl k. (acetone).

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ke·tone 'kē-.tōn n an organic compound (as acetone) with a carbonyl group attached to two carbon atoms

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any member of a group of organic compounds consisting of a carbonyl group (=CO) flanked by two alkyl groups. The ketones acetoacetic acid, acetone, and b-hydroxybutyrate (known as ketone (or acetone) bodies) are produced during the metabolism of fats. See also ketosis.

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ke·tone (keґtōn) any of a large class of organic compounds containing the carbonyl group, CO, whose carbon atom is joined to two other carbon atoms, that is, with the carbonyl group occurring within the carbon chain. See also under body.


Medical dictionary. 2011.