
Plural of the word "fat" which has more meanings that it has letters. It is among other things: {{}}A nutrient: With proteins and carbohydrates, fat, also known as lipid, is one of the three types of nutrients used as energy sources by the body. The energy produced by fats is nine calories per gram. Proteins and carbohydrates each provide four calories per gram. Hence, fat is more than twice as caloric as protein and carbohydrate. Total fat: The total fat is the sum of saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fats. The intake of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats can help to reduce blood cholesterol when substituted for saturated fats in the diet. Slang: Fat is a slang term for obese or adipose. In chemistry: Fats are compounds formed from chemicals called fatty acids. These fats compose a greasy, solid material found in animal tissues and in some plants. Fats are the major component of flabby material of our bodies, commonly known as blubber. A name: "Fats" or ""fat" is used, usually with derision, for a heavy person as, for example, the professional billiard player Minnesota Fats or the fictional Fat Albert created by the comedian Bill Cosby.
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face and thigh squeeze [position for bag mask ventilation]; Familial Atherosclerosis Treatment Study; fast adiabatic trajectory in steady state

Medical dictionary. 2011.