1. Pertaining to substances preventing or correcting excessive fat deposits in liver such as occurs in choline deficiency. 2. Relating to lipotropy.
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li·po·tro·pic .lip-ō-'trō-pik, .līp-, -'träp-ik also li·po·tro·phic -'trō-fik adj promoting the physiological utilization of fat <\lipotropic dietary factors>
li·po·tro·pism -'trō-.piz-əm n
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describing a substance that promotes the transport of fatty acids from the liver to the tissues or accelerates the utilization of fat in the liver itself. An example of such a substance is the amino acid methionine.
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lipo·tro·pic (lip″o-troґpik) [lipo- + -tropic] 1. acting on fat metabolism by hastening the removal of or decreasing the deposit of fat in the liver. 2. an agent that has such effects.Medical dictionary. 2011.