
The pairing of male and female for the purpose of reproduction.
- assortative m. selection of a mate with preference for (or aversion to) a particular genotype, i.e., nonrandom m.. SYN: nonrandom m..
- cross m. cross.
- nonrandom m. SYN: assortative m..
- random m. a practice of m. in which any egg has an equal opportunity of being fertilized by any sperm; thus the chance of one genotype at a particular locus combining with another genotype at that locus is random. SYN: panmixis.

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mat·ing 'māt-iŋ n
1) the act of pairing or matching esp. sexually
2) the period during which a seasonally breeding animal is capable of mating

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mat·ing (mātґing) [from Middle Low Ger. mate companion] pairing of individuals of opposite sexes, especially for reproduction.

Medical dictionary. 2011.