
SYN: membrane (1). [L.]
- m. abdominis SYN: peritoneum.
- m. adamantina SYN: enamel cuticle.
- m. adventitia 1. SYN: adventitia. 2. SYN: decidua capsularis.
- m. atlanto- occipitalis anterior [TA] SYN: anterior atlanto- occipital membrane.
- m. atlanto- occipitalis posterior [TA] SYN: posterior atlanto- occipital membrane.
- m. basalis ductus semicircularis SYN: basal membrane of semicircular duct.
- m. basilaris SYN: basal lamina of cochlear duct.
- m. capsularis the hyaloid vascular network around the posterior pole of the lens in the embryo.
- m. capsulopupillaris the lateral portion of the vascular tunic of the lens of the eye in the embryo.
- m. carnosa SYN: dartos fascia.
- m. cerebri any one of the cerebral meninges.
- m. choriocapillaris SYN: capillary lamina of choroid.
- m. cordis SYN: pericardium.
- m. cricothyroidea SYN: cricothyroid membrane.
- m. decidua SYN: deciduous membrane.
- m. eboris the lining membrane of the pulp cavity of a tooth, consisting of the odontoblastic layer. SYN: ivory membrane.
- m. fibroelastica laryngis [TA] SYN: fibroelastic membrane of larynx.
- m. fibrosa capsulae articularis [TA] SYN: fibrous layer of joint capsule.
- m. flaccida SYN: flaccid part of tympanic membrane.
- m. fusca SYN: suprachoroid lamina of sclera.
- m. germinativa SYN: blastoderm.
- m. granulosa SYN: stratum granulosum folliculi ovarici vesiculosi.
- m. hyaloidea SYN: posterior limiting lamina of cornea.
- m. hyothyroidea SYN: thyrohyoid membrane.
- membranae intercostales [TA] SYN: intercostal membranes, under membrane.
- m. intercostalis externa [TA] SYN: external intercostal membrane.
- m. intercostalis interna [TA] SYN: internal intercostal membrane.
- m. interossea antebrachii [TA] SYN: interosseous membrane of forearm.
- m. interossea cruris [TA] SYN: interosseous membrane of leg.
- m. limitans 1. SYN: limiting membrane of retina. 2. limiting membrane separating the neural parenchyma from the pia and blood vessel s.
- m. limitans gliae SYN: glial limiting membrane.
- m. mucosa SYN: mucosa.
- m. nictitans SYN: plica semilunaris of conjunctiva (2).
- m. obturatoria [TA] SYN: obturator membrane.
- m. perinei [TA] SYN: perineal membrane.
- m. pituitosa SYN: mucosa of nose.
- m. preformativa the thickened m. formed by fusion of Korff fibers and the basement membrane of the ameloblasts in a developing tooth.
- m. propria ductus semicircularis SYN: proper membrane of semicircular duct.
- m. propria of semicircular duct SYN: proper membrane of semicircular duct.
- m. pupillaris SYN: pupillary membrane.
- m. quadrangularis [TA] SYN: quadrangular membrane.
- m. reticularis organi spiralis [TA] SYN: reticular membrane of spinal organ.
- m. serosa 1. SYN: serosa, chorion. 2. SYN: serosa (2).
- m. serotina obsolete synonym of decidua basalis.
- m. spiralis tympanic surface of cochlear duct.
- m. stapedis [TA] SYN: stapedial membrane.
- m. statoconiorum [TA] SYN: otolithic membrane.
- m. sterni [TA] SYN: sternal membrane.
- m. striata SYN: zona striata.
- m. succingens SYN: pleura. [L. succingere, to surround]
- m. suprapleuralis [TA] SYN: suprapleural membrane.
- m. synovialis [TA] SYN: synovial membrane.
- m. tectoria (articulationis atlantoaxialis medianae) [TA] SYN: tectorial membrane (of median atlantoaxial joint).
- m. tectoria ductus cochlearis [TA] SYN: tectorial membrane of cochlear duct.
- m. tensa SYN: tense part of the tympanic membrane.
- m. thyrohyoidea [TA] SYN: thyrohyoid membrane.
- m. tympani [TA] SYN: tympanic membrane.
- m. tympani secundaria [TA] SYN: secondary tympanic membrane.
- m. versicolor SYN: tapetum (2).
- m. vestibularis ductus cochlearis vestibular surface of cochlear duct.
- m. vibrans SYN: tense part of the tympanic membrane.
- m. vitellina 1. the membrane enveloping the yolk; specifically, the thickened cell membrane of large-yolked ova; SYN: ovular membrane, vitelline membrane. 2. sometimes used to designate the zona pellucida of a mammalian ovum. SYN: yolk membrane.
- m. vitrea SYN: posterior limiting lamina of cornea.

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mem·bra·na mem-'brā-nə, -'brä- n, pl mem·bra·nae -.nē, -.nī MEMBRANE

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mem·bra·na (mem-braґnə) gen. and pl. membraґnae [L.] a membrane: anatomic nomenclature for a thin layer of tissue covering a surface, lining a cavity, or dividing a space or organ.

Descriptions are given on TA terms, and include anglicized names of specific membranes.

Medical dictionary. 2011.