
The fold of peritoneum attaching the colon to the posterior abdominal wall; ascending m. [TA] (m. ascendens [TA]), transverse m. [TA] (m. transversum [TA]), descending m. [TA] (m. descendens [TA]), and sigmoid m. [TA] (m. sigmoideum [TA]) correspond to the respective divisions of the colon; the ascending and descending portions are usually fused to the peritoneum of the posterior abdominal wall, but can be mobilized. [meso- + kolon, colon]

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me·so·co·lon .mez-ə-'kō-lən, .mēz-, .mēs-, .mes- n a mesentery joining the colon to the dorsal abdominal wall

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the fold of peritoneum by which the colon is fixed to the posterior abdominal wall. Usually only the transverse and sigmoid mesocolons persist in the adult, attached to the transverse and sigmoid colon, respectively.

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meso·co·lon (mezґo-) (meґzo-ko″lən) [meso- + colon] [TA] the process of the peritoneum by which the colon is attached to the posterior abdominal wall. It is divided into ascending, transverse, descending, and sigmoid or pelvic portions, according to the segment of the colon to which it gives attachment. mesocolic adj


Medical dictionary. 2011.