
Denoting cells or dyes that exhibit metachromasia. SYN: metachromophil, metachromophile.

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meta·chro·mat·ic -krō-'mat-ik adj
1) staining or characterized by staining in a different color or shade from what is typical <\metachromatic granules>
2) having the capacity to stain different elements of a cell or tissue in different colors or shades <\metachromatic stains>
meta·chro·mat·i·cal·ly -i-k(ə-)lē adv

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meta·chro·mat·ic (met″ə-kro-matґik) [meta- + chromatic] staining differently with the same dye; said of tissues in which different elements take on different colors when a certain dye is applied. By extension, said of dyes by which different tissues are stained differently.

Medical dictionary. 2011.