
The population of microbes inhabiting the outside or inside surfaces of people (or other animals). Also, the population of plants including flowers, usually in a particular area. The word "flora" is the name of the Roman goddess of flowers.
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1. Plant life, usually of a certain locality or district. 2. The population of microorganisms inhabiting the internal and external surfaces of healthy conventional animals. SYN: microbial associates. [L. F., goddess of flowers, fr. flos (flor-), a flower]

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flo·ra 'flōr-ə, 'flȯr- n, pl floras also flo·rae 'flō(ə)r-.ē, 'flȯ(ə)r-, -.ī
1) plant life esp the plants characteristic of a region, period, or special environment <fossil \flora> compare FAUNA
2) the microorganisms (as bacteria or fungi) living in or on the body <the beneficial \flora of the intestine> <potentially harmful skin \flora>
flo·ral 'flōr-əl, 'flȯr- adj

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flo·ra (florґə) [L. Flora, the goddess of flowers] 1. the plant life present in or characteristic of a special location; it may be discernible with the unaided eye (macroflora), or only with the aid of a microscope (microflora). 2. the bacteria and fungi, both normally occurring and pathological, found in or on an organ.

Medical dictionary. 2011.