
1. The organ or seat of consciousness and higher functions of the human brain, such as cognition, reasoning, willing, and emotion. 2. The organized totality of all mental processes and psychic activities, with emphasis on the relatedness of the phenomena. [A.S. gemynd]
- prelogical m. SYN: prelogical thinking.
- subconscious m. SYN: subliminal self.

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mind 'mīnd n
1) the element or complex of elements in an individual that feels, perceives, thinks, wills, and esp. reasons
2) the conscious mental events and capabilities in an organism
3) the organized conscious and unconscious adaptive mental activity of an organism

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the National Association for Mental Health. It is a voluntary association, registered as a charity, that promotes the welfare of those with mental illness through advice, education, campaigning, and the provision of resources.

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(mīnd) [from A.S. gemynd] 1. the organ or seat of consciousness; the faculty, or function of the brain, by which an individual becomes aware of the surroundings and of their distribution in space and time; by which feelings, emotions, and desires are experienced; and which gives the ability to attend, to remember, to learn, to reason, and to decide. 2. the organized totality of an organism's mental and psychological processes, conscious and unconscious. 3. the characteristic thought process of a person or group.

Medical dictionary. 2011.