
1. Diseased or pathologic. 2. In psychology, abnormal or deviant. [L. morbidus, ill, fr. morbus, disease]

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mor·bid 'mȯr-bəd adj
1 a) of, relating to, or characteristic of disease
b) affected with or induced by disease <a \morbid condition> <\morbid alteration of tissues>
c) productive of disease <\morbid substances>
2) abnormally susceptible to or characterized by gloomy or unwholesome feelings

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diseased or abnormal; pathological.

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mor·bid (morґbid) [L. morbidus sick] 1. pertaining to, affected with, or inducing disease; diseased. 2. unhealthy or unwholesome. 3. characterized by preoccupation with gloomy or unwholesome feelings or thoughts.

Medical dictionary. 2011.