
The middle layer of the heart, consisting of cardiac muscle. [myo- + G. kardia, heart]
- hibernating m. ventricular dysfunction following months or years of ischemia that is reversible when blood flow is restored. Must be carefully distinguished from dysfunction due to necrotic or scarred m..
- stunned m. impaired myocardial contractile performance following a period of ischemia and ultimately reversible.

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myo·car·di·um .mī-ə-'kärd-ē-əm n, pl -dia -ē-ə the middle muscular layer of the heart wall

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the middle of the three layers forming the wall of the heart (see also endocardium, epicardium). It is composed of cardiac muscle and forms the greater part of the heart wall, being thicker in the ventricles than in the atria.
myocardial adj.

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myo·car·di·um (mi″o-kahrґde-əm) [myo- + Gr. kardia heart] [TA] the middle and thickest layer of the heart wall, composed of cardiac muscle. myocardial adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.