
1. A translucent foglike opacity of the cornea. 2. A class of oily preparations, intended for application by atomization. See spray. 3. A spray. [L. fog, cloud, mist]

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neb·u·la 'neb-yə-lə n, pl -las or -lae -.lē, -.lī a slight cloudy opacity of the cornea

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a faint opacity of the cornea that remains after an ulcer has healed.

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neb·u·la (nebґu-lə) gen. and pl. neґbulae [L. “mist”] 1. a slight corneal opacity or scar that can be seen only by oblique illumination; it seldom interferes with vision. 2. a preparation, particularly an oily preparation, for use in a nebulizer.

Medical dictionary. 2011.