
1. Anything to which thought or action is directed. 2. In psychoanalysis, that through which an instinct can achieve its aim. 3. In psychoanalysis, often used synonymously with person.
- good o. in psychoanalysis, the good or supporting aspects of an important person in the patient's life, especially of a parent or parent-surrogate.
- sex o. a person toward whom another is sexually attracted; a term most used by a female to indicate that a male narrowly views her as a vehicle for sex while completely disregarding the rest of her persona.
- test o. 1. an o. having very fine surface markings, mounted on a slide, used to determine the defining power of the objective lens of a microscope; 2. the target in measurement of the visual field.
- transitional o. an o. used by many children as a substitute for a parent who is absent (usually temporarily) to help them deal with separation; typically, a blanket or stuffed toy.

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ob·ject 'äb-(.)jekt, -jikt n
1) something material that may be perceived by the senses
2) something mental or physical toward which thought, feeling, or action is directed

Medical dictionary. 2011.