
A name given to several muscles of the fingers or toes, by the action of which these digits are opposed to the others. The o. muscles of the hands act at the carpometacarpal joints, cupping the palm; this enables flexion at the metacarpophalangeal joints to oppose the thumb to the small finger or vice versa. Although comparable muscles in the foot are called “o.,” no opposition occurs in the foot. [L. op-pono (obp-), pres. p. -ens, to place against, oppose]

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op·po·nens ə-'pō-.nenz n, pl -nen·tes .äp-ə-'nen-(.)tēz or -nens any of several muscles of the hand or foot that tend to draw one of the lateral digits across the palm or sole toward the others

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one of a group of muscles in the hand that bring the digits opposite to other digits. For example, the opponens pollicis is the principal muscle causing opposition of the thumb.

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op·po·nens (o-poґnənz) [L.] opposing; said of an opposing structure, as musculus opponens.

Medical dictionary. 2011.