
Paralysis on one side of the body.
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Paralysis of one side of the body. [hemi- + G. plege, a stroke]
- alternating h. h. on one side with contralateral cranial nerve palsies. SYN: crossed h., crossed paralysis.
- contralateral h. paralysis occurring on the side opposite to the causal central lesion.
- crossed h. SYN: alternating h..
- double h. SYN: diplegia.
- facial h. paralysis of one side of the face, the muscles of the extremities being unaffected.
- infantile h. acute hemiparesis that occurs in infancy and is usually caused by a vascular accident such as cerebral infarction or thrombosis; frequently associated with seizures.
- spastic h. a h. with increased tone in the antigravity muscles of the affected side.

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hemi·ple·gia .hem-i-'plē-j(ē-)ə n total or partial paralysis of one side of the body that results from disease of or injury to the motor centers of the brain

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paralysis of one side of the body. It is caused by disease affecting the opposite (contralateral) hemisphere of the brain.

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hemi·ple·gia (hem″e-pleґjə) [hemi- + -plegia] paralysis of one side of the body. hemiplegic adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.