A class of the subphylum Mastigophora (flagellates) within the phylum Sarcomastigophora (flagellate and ameboid protozoans), consisting mostly of free-living plantlike flagellates with or without chloroplasts, and usually with one or two flagella. Cf.:Zoomastigophorea. SYN: Phytomastigophorasida. [phyto- + G. mastix, whip, + phoros, bearing]
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Phy·to·mas·ti·goph·o·rea (fi″to-mas″tĭ-go-forґe-ə) [phyto- + Gr. mastix whip + phoros bearing] in older systems of classification, a class of protozoa of the phylum Sarcomastigophora, comprising all of the plantlike (as opposed to animallike) members of the phylum; they are collectively known as phytoflagellates. Members of this group have chromatophores and usually one or two emergent flagella, with ameboid forms occurring in some species. They are mostly free-living and autotrophic. Phytoflagellates are sometimes classified with the algae. Called also Phytomastigophora. Cf. Zoomastigophorea.Medical dictionary. 2011.