
A person who has two identical forms of a particular gene, one inherited from each parent. For example, a girl who is a homozygote for cystic fibrosis (CF) received the CF gene from both of her parents and therefore has CF. The opposite of a homozygote is a heterozygote, a person who has two different forms of a particular gene. For example, the father and mother of a CF child are heterozygotes for cystic fibrosis (CF). Each carries one normal gene and one CF gene but has no signs or symptoms of the disease.
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A homozygous individual. [homo- + G. zygotos, yoke]

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ho·mo·zy·gote -'zī-.gōt n a homozygous individual

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ho·mo·zy·gote (ho″mo-ziґgōt) [homo- + zygote] an individual exhibiting homozygosity.

Medical dictionary. 2011.