
1. A dry mass of minute separate particles of any substance. 2. In pharmaceutics, a homogenous dispersion of finely divided, relatively dry, particulate matter consisting of one or more substances; the degree of fineness of a pow′der is related to passage of the material through standard sieves. 3. A single dose of a powdered drug, enclosed in an envelope of folded paper. 4. To reduce a solid substance to a state of very fine division. [Fr. poudre; L. pulvis]
- bleaching p. SYN: chlorinated lime.

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pow·der 'pau̇d-ər n a product in the form of discrete usu. fine particles specif a medicine or medicated preparation in the form of a powder <antiseptic \powder> <digestive \powder>

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(in pharmacy) a medicinal preparation consisting of a mixture of two or more drugs in the form of fine particles.

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pow·der (pouґdər) [L. pulvis] a substance made up of an aggregation of small particles, as that obtained by the grinding or trituration of a solid drug.

Medical dictionary. 2011.