
1. Occurring before the usual or expected time. 2. Denoting an infant born at a gestational age of less than 37 weeks; birth weight is no longer considered a critical criterion for use of this designation. [L. praematurus, too early, fr. prae-, pre- + maturus, ripe (mature)]

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pre·ma·ture -mə-'t(y)u̇(ə)r, -'chu̇(ə)r, chiefly Brit .prem-ə- adj happening, arriving, existing, or performed before the proper, usual, or intended time esp born after a gestation period of less than 37 weeks <\premature babies>
pre·ma·ture·ly adv
premature n PREEMIE

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pre·ma·ture (pre-mə-chrґ) [L. praematurus early ripe] 1. occurring before the proper time. 2. pertaining to a premature infant; see under infant.

Medical dictionary. 2011.