1. incisive bone. 2. The central isolated bony part in a complete bilateral cleft of the lip. [pre- + L. maxilla, jawbone]
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pre·max·il·la .prē-mak-'sil-ə n, pl -lae -ē either member of a pair of bones of the upper jaw of vertebrates situated between and in front of the maxillae that in humans form the median anterior part of the superior maxillary bones but in most other mammals are distinct and bear the incisor teeth and in birds coalesce to form the principal part of the upper mandible called also incisive bone
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pre·max·il·la (pre″mak-silґə) 1. TA alternative for os incisivum. 2. the embryonic bone derived from the median nasal prominences that later fuses with the maxilla to form the os incisivum.Medical dictionary. 2011.