
1. An outline or contour, especially one representing a side view of the human head. SYN: norma (2). 2. A summary, brief account, or record. [It. profilo, fr. L. pro, forward, + filum, thread, line (contour)]
- biochemical p. SYN: test p..
- biophysical p. technique for evaluating fetal status using fetal heart rate monitoring and ultrasound assessment of amniotic fluid volume, fetal movement, and fetal breathing motion.
- facial p. 1. the outline form of the face from a lateral view; 2. the sagittal outline form of the face.
- personality p. 1. a method by which the results of psychologic testing are presented in graphic form; 2. a vignette or brief personality description.
- test p. a combination of laboratory tests usually performed by automated methods and designed to evaluate organ systems of patients upon admission to a hospital or clinic. SYN: biochemical p..
- urethral pressure p. the continual recording of pressure through a hole in the side of a small catheter as it is pulled (at a constant rate while either water or a gas is infused through the hole) from a point within the bladder, through the vesical neck, and down the entire urethra; a form of resistance measurement which gives a tracing indicative of the functional length of the urethra and the points of maximal urethral resistance.

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pro·file 'prō-.fīl n
1) a set of data exhibiting the significant features of something and often obtained by multiple tests <the \profile of CK isoenzymes in skeletal muscle (A. J. Siegel & D. M. Dawson)>
2) a graphic representation of the extent to which an individual or group exhibits traits as determined by tests or ratings <this group did not give a homogeneous personality \profile (Diseases of the Nervous System)>
profile vt, pro·filed; pro·fil·ing to represent in profile or by a profile: produce a profile of (as by writing or graphing)

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pro·file (proґfīl) 1. a simple outline of the shape or form of an object, such as the head or face, viewed from the side. 2. a graph, table, or other summary representing quantitatively a set of characteristics subjected to tests.

Medical dictionary. 2011.