
1. Pertaining to reasoning or to the higher thought processes; based on objective or scientific knowledge, in contrast to empiric (1). 2. Influenced by reasoning rather than by emotion. 3. Having the reasoning faculties; not delirious or comatose. [L. rationalis, fr. ratio, reason]

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ra·tio·nal 'rash-nəl, -ən-əl adj
1 a) having reason or understanding
b) relating to, based on, or agreeable to reason <a \rational explanation> <\rational behavior>
2) using medical treatments based on reason or general principles used esp. of an ancient school of physicians compare EMPIRICAL (1a)
ra·tio·nal·ly adv

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ra·tion·al (răґshən-əl) [L. rationalis reasonable] based upon reason; characterized by possession of one's reason.

Medical dictionary. 2011.