
SYN: receptaculum. [Fr.]
- r. of infection living or nonliving material in or on which an infectious agent multiplies and/or develops and is dependent for its survival in nature.
- Ommaya r. a plastic container placed in the subgaleal space that is connected to the lateral ventricle or tumor cyst by tubing; it is used to instill medication into, or remove fluid from, the ventricle or tumor cyst.
- Pecquet r. SYN: cisterna chyli.
- r. of spermatozoa the site where spermatozoa are stored; the distal portion of the tail of the epididymis and the beginning of the ductus deferens.
- vitelline r. SYN: vitellarium.

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res·er·voir 'rez-ə(r)v-.wär, -ə(r)v-.(w)ȯr n
1) a space (as an enlargement of a vessel or the cavity of a glandular acinus) in which a body fluid is stored
2) an organism in which a parasite that is pathogenic for some other species lives and multiplies without damaging its host also a noneconomic organism within which a pathogen of economic or medical importance flourishes without regard to its pathogenicity for the reservoir <rats are \reservoirs of plague> compare CARRIER (1a)

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re·ser·voir (rezґər-vwahr) [Fr. rйservoir, from rйserver to reserve] 1. a place or cavity for storage. 2. cisterna. 3. an alternate or passive host or carrier that harbors pathogenic organisms or parasites, without injury to itself, and serves as a source from which other individuals can be infected. Called also reservoir host or r. of infection.

Medical dictionary. 2011.