1. A turning backward, as of the uterus. 2. Condition in which the teeth are located in a more posterior position than is normal. [retro- + L. verto, pp. versus, to turn]
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ret·ro·ver·sion -'vər-zhənalso -shən n the bending backward of the uterus and cervix out of the normal axis so that the fundus points toward the sacrum and the cervix toward the pubic symphysis compare RETROFLEXION
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an abnormal position of the uterus in which it is tilted backwards, with the base lying in the pouch of Douglas, against the rectum, instead of on the bladder. It occurs in about 20% of women.
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ret·ro·ver·sion (ret″ro-vurґzhən) the tipping of an entire organ or part in a posterior direction, such as the tipping back of the entire uterus in relation to the pelvic axis.Medical dictionary. 2011.