
A slit or fissure, or narrow elongated opening between two symmetric parts. [L. a slit]
- r. glottidis [TA] the interval between the true vocal cords. SYN: r. vocalis, glottis vera, true glottis.
- r. oris [TA] SYN: oral fissure.
- r. palpebrarum [TA] SYN: palpebral fissure.
- r. pudendi [TA] SYN: pudendal cleft.
- r. respiratoria SYN: r. vestibuli.
- r. vestibuli [TA] the interval between the false vocal cords or vestibular folds. SYN: false glottis, glottis spuria, r. respiratoria.
- r. vocalis r. glottidis.
- r. vulvae SYN: pudendal cleft.
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reverse inhibitor of monoamino oxidase A; right internal mammary artery

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ri·ma 'rī-mə n, pl ri·mae -.mē an anatomical fissure or cleft

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(in anatomy) a cleft. The rima glottidis (or glottis) is the space between the vocal folds.

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ri·ma (riґmə) gen. and pl. riґmae [L.] a cleft, crack, or similar opening. rimal adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.