
The fine granular particles of quartz and other crystalline rocks, or a gritty material resembling s.. [A.S.]
- brain s. SYN: corpora arenacea, under corpus.
- hydatid s. the scoleces, daughter cysts, hooks, and calcareous corpuscles of Echinococcus tapeworms in the fluid within a primary or daughter hydatid cyst.
- intestinal s. minute calculi or gritty material occurring in feces, composed of soaps, bile pigment, cholesterol, magnesium salts, succinic acid, etc.
- urinary s. multiple small calculous particles passed in the urine of patients with nephrolithiasis; each particle is usually too small to cause significant symptoms or to be identified as a true calculus.

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sand 'sand n gritty particles in various body tissues or fluids see BRAIN SAND

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(sand) small, gritty particles, usually of some mineral such as silica.

Medical dictionary. 2011.