
SYN: sarcoidosis. [sarco- + G. eidos, resemblance]
- Boeck s. SYN: sarcoidosis.
- Spiegler-Fendt s. SYN: benign lymphocytoma cutis.

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sar·coid 'sär-.kȯid adj of, relating to, resembling, or being sarcoid or sarcoidosis <\sarcoid fibroblastic tissue>
sarcoid n
1) any of various diseases characterized esp. by the formation of nodules in the skin
2) a nodule characteristic of sarcoid or of sarcoidosis

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1. adj. fleshy.
2. n. a fleshy tumour.

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sar·coid (sahrґkoid) [sarc- + -oid] 1. sarcoidosis. 2. 3. a sarcomalike tumor. fleshlike.

Medical dictionary. 2011.