
A form of fibrous joint in which the sharp edge of one bone is received in a cleft in the edge of the other, as in the articulation of the vomer with the rostrum of the sphenoid. SYN: schindyletic joint, wedge-and-groove joint, wedge-and-groove suture. [G. s., splintering]

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schin·dy·le·sis .skin-də-'lē-səs n, pl -le·ses -.sēz an articulation in which one bone is received into a groove or slit in another

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a form of synarthrosis (immovable joint) in which a crest of one bone fits into a groove of another.

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schin·dy·le·sis (skin″də-leґsis) [Gr. schindylēsis a splintering] [TA] a form of articulation in which a thin plate of one bone is received into a cleft in another, as in the articulation of the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone with the vomer. Called also wedge-and-groove joint.

Medical dictionary. 2011.