
An evaluation, usually expressed numerically, of status, achievement, or condition in a given set of circumstances. [M. E. scor, notch, tally]
- APACHE s. Acute physiology and chronic health evaluation. The most widely used method of assessing the severity of illness in acutely ill patients in intensive care units.
- Apgar s. evaluation of a newborn infant's physical status by assigning numerical values (0–2) to each of 5 criteria: 1) heart rate, 2) respiratory effort, 3) muscle tone, 4) response stimulation, and 5) skin color; a s. of 8–10 indicates the best possible condition.
- Bishop s. system to determine the inducibility of the cervix in a pregnant patient, based on dilation, effacement, station, and cervical consistency and position.
- discrimination s. the percentage of words that a subject can repeat correctly from a list of phonetically balanced words presented at 25–40 dB above the speech reception threshold.
- Dubowitz s. a method of clinical assessment of gestational age in the newborn that includes neurological criteria for the infant's maturity and other physical criteria to determine the gestational age of the infant; useful from birth to 5 days of life.
- Gleason s. Gleason tumor grade.
- Jarman s. index of social and medical deprivation, used mainly by family doctors, especially in the U.K.
- Logistic Organ Dysfunction S. an evaluation method used in intensive care that enumerates the level of dysfunction of each organ system and among organ systems; includes evaluation of degree of dysfunction of cardiovascular, hepatic, hematologic, pulmonary, renal, and nervous systems.
- raw s. the actual s., measurement, or value obtained before any statistics are applied to it. Cf.:standard s..
- recovery s. a number expressing the condition of an infant at various stipulated intervals greater than 1 min after birth and based on the same features assessed by the Apgar s. at 60 seconds after birth.
- standard s. a statistically referenced or derived s. representing the deviation of a raw s. from its mean in standard deviation units.
- symptom s. American Urological Association's scoring system to evaluate prostatic obstruction.
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(skor) a rating, usually expressed numerically, based on achievement or the degree to which certain qualities or conditions are present.

Medical dictionary. 2011.