
Unstoppable. For example, intractable diarrhea or intractable pain.
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1. SYN: refractory (1). 2. SYN: obstinate (1). [L. in-tractabilis, fr. in- neg. + tracto, to draw, haul]

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in·trac·ta·ble (')in-'trak-tə-bəl adj
1) not easily managed or controlled (as by antibiotics or psychotherapy) <an \intractable child> <activity against many \intractable Proteus and Pseudomonas species of bacteria (Annual Report Pfizer)>
2) not easily relieved or cured <\intractable pain> <\intractable bleeding in duodenal ulcer (Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc.)>
in·trac·ta·bil·i·ty (.)in-.trak-tə-'bil-ət-ē n, pl -ties

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in·trac·ta·ble (in-trakґtə-bəl) resistant to cure, relief, or control.

Medical dictionary. 2011.