
1. Not complex or compound. 2. In anatomy, composed of a minimum number of parts. 3. A medicinal herb. [L. simplex]
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sim·ple 'sim-pəl adj, sim·pler -p(ə-)lər; sim·plest -p(ə-)ləst
1) free from complexity or difficulty: as
a) easily treated or cured <a \simple vitamin deficiency>
b) controlled by a single gene <\simple inherited characters>
2) of, relating to, or being an epithelium in which the cells are arranged in a single layer
simple n
1) a medicinal plant
2) a vegetable drug having only one ingredient

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sim·ple (simґpəl) [L. simplex] 1. neither compound nor complex; single. 2. an old term for any herb with real or supposed medicinal virtues.

Medical dictionary. 2011.