1. Relating to a species. SEE ALSO: s. epithet. 2. Relating to an individual infectious disease, one caused by a special microorganism. 3. A remedy having a definite therapeutic action in relation to a particular disease or symptom, as quinine in relation to malaria. [L. specificus fr. species + facio, to make]
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spe·cif·ic spi-'sif-ik adj
1 a) restricted by nature to a particular individual, situation, relation, or effect <a disease \specific to horses>
b) exerting a distinctive influence (as on a body part or a disease) <\specific antibodies>
2) of, relating to, or constituting a species and esp. a biological species
specific n a drug or remedy having a specific mitigating effect on a disease
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1. n. a medicine that has properties especially useful for the treatment of a particular disease.
2. adj. (of a disease) caused by a particular microorganism that causes no other disease.
3. adj. of or relating to a species.
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spe·cif·ic (spə-sifґik) [L. specificus] pertaining to a 1. species. 2. produced by a single kind of microorganism. 3. restricted in application, effect, etc., to a particular structure, function, etc. 4. a remedy specially indicated for a particular disease. in 5. immunology, pertaining to the special affinity of antigen for the corresponding antibody.Medical dictionary. 2011.