
Without apparent cause; said of disease processes or remissions. [L. spontaneus, voluntary, capricious]

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spon·ta·ne·ous spän-'tā-nē-əs adj
1) proceeding from natural feeling or native tendency without external constraint
2) developing without apparent external influence, force, cause, or treatment <a \spontaneous nosebleed>
spon·ta·ne·ous·ly adv

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arising without apparent cause or outside aid. The term is applied in medicine to certain conditions, such as pathological fractures, that arise in the absence of outside injury; also to recovery from a disease without the aid of specific treatment.

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spon·ta·ne·ous (spon-taґne-əs) [L. spontaneus] 1. voluntary; instinctive. 2. occurring without external influence.

Medical dictionary. 2011.