SYN: calcar. [A.S. spora]
- calcarine s. [TA] the lower of two elevations on the medial wall of the posterior horn of the lateral ventricle of the brain, caused by the depth of the calcarine sulcus. SYN: calcar avis [TA], Haller unguis, hippocampus minor, minor hippocampus, Morand s., unguis avis.
- Fuchs s. epithelial outgrowth of the dilator muscle of the pupil about midway in the breadth of the sphincter; part of the insertion of the dilator muscle onto the iris sphincter.
- Grunert s. epithelial outgrowth of the dilator muscle of the pupil at the junction of the iris and the ciliary body; part of the origin of the iris dilator muscle.
- heel s. bony thickening of the flexor surface of the calcaneus associated with severe pain on standing.
- Michel s. epithelial outgrowth of the dilator muscle of the pupil at the peripheral border of the sphincter; part of the insertion of the dilator muscle onto the iris sphincter.
- scleral s. [TA] circular ridge of sclera on the internal aspect of the corneoscleral junction; on cross-section, it appears as a hook-like process deep to the scleral venous sinus; relatively rigid, it provides attachment (origin) of the meridional fibers of the ciliary body. SYN: calcar sclerae [TA], scleral roll.
- vascular s. partial septum between vessels (arteries and veins) at the level of fusion or branching at acute angle. SEE ALSO: calcar (1).
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spur 'spər n a sharp and esp. bony outgrowth (as on the heel of the foot)
spurred 'spərd adj
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a sharp projection, especially one of bone.
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(spur) 1. a pointed projection; called also calcar. 2. in dentistry, a piece of metal projecting from a plate, band, or other dental appliance.Medical dictionary. 2011.