
The process of developing new blood vessels. Angiogenesis is important in the normal development of the embryo and fetus. It also appears important to tumor formation. Certain proteins, including angiostatin and endostatin, secreted by tumors work (at least in mice) by interfering with the blood supply tumors need. Angiostatin is a piece of a larger and very common protein, plasminogen, that the body uses in blood clotting. Endostatin is a piece of a different protein, collagen 18, that is in all blood vessels.
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Development of new blood vessel s. [angio- + G. genesis, production]

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an·gio·gen·e·sis -'jen-ə-səs n, pl -e·ses -.sēz the formation and differentiation of blood vessels
an·gio·gen·ic -'jen-ik adj

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the formation of new blood vessels. This process is essential for the development of a tumour and is promoted by growth factor; it is becoming a target for new anticancer therapy (see angiogenesis inhibitor).

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an·gio·gen·e·sis (an″je-o-jenґə-sis) [angio- + genesis] 1. development of blood vessels in the embryo. 2. any formation of new blood vessels; see also neovascularization (def. 2) and revascularization. Called also angiopoiesis and vasculogenesis.

Medical dictionary. 2011.