
1. Cursory; not thorough. 2. Pertaining to or situated near the surface. 3. SYN: superficialis. [L. superficialis, fr. superficies, surface]

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su·per·fi·cial .sü-pər-'fish-əl adj
1) of, relating to, or located near the surface <\superficial blood vessels>
2) lying on, not penetrating below, or affecting only the surface <\superficial wounds>
su·per·fi·cial·ly adv

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(in anatomy) situated at or close to a surface. Superficial blood vessels are those close to the surface of the skin.

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su·per·fi·cial (soo″pər-fishґəl) [L. superficialis] 1. pertaining to or situated near the surface. 2. external to the outermost layer of deep fascia.

Medical dictionary. 2011.