Denoting antagonism to or inhibition of adrenergic nerve activity. SEE ALSO: adrenergic blocking agent, antiadrenergic. [sympatho- + G. lysis, a loosening]
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sym·pa·tho·lyt·ic .sim-pə-thō-'lit-ik adj tending to oppose the physiological results of sympathetic nervous activity or of sympathomimetic drugs compare PARASYMPATHOLYTIC
sympatholytic n a sympatholytic agent
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opposing the effects of the sympathetic nervous system. Drugs such as guanethidine block the transmission of impulses along adrenergic nerves; they are used to treat high blood pressure. alpha blocker and beta blocker are other kinds of sympatholytic drugs.
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sym·pa·tho·lyt·ic (sim″pə-tho-litґik) [sympathetic + -lytic] 1. opposing the effects of impulses conveyed by adrenergic postganglionic fibers of the sympathetic nervous system. 2. an agent that opposes the effects of impulses conveyed by adrenergic postganglionic fibers of the sympathetic nervous system; called also antiadrenergic.Medical dictionary. 2011.